terça-feira, 31 de janeiro de 2012

Beautiful song

All This And Heaven Too
Florence and The Machine

And the heart is hard to translate,
It has a language of its own,
It talks in tongues and quiet sighs
And prayers and proclamations,
In the grand days of great men and the smallest of gestures,
In short shallow gasps

But with all my education,
I can't seem to commend it,
And the words are all escaping me,
And coming back all damaged,
And I would put them back in poetry,
If I only knew how,
I can't seem to understand it,

And I would give all this and heaven too,
I would give it all if only for a moment,
That I could just understand the meaning of the word you see,
'Cause I've been scrawling it forever,
But it never makes sense to me at all.

And it talks to me in tiptoes,
And sings to me inside,
It cries out in the darkest night,
And breaks in morning light.

But with all my education,
I can't seem to commend it,
And the words are all escaping me,
And coming back all damaged,
And I would put them back in poetry,
If I only knew how,
I can't seem to understand it,

And I would give all this and heaven too,
I would give it all if only for a moment,
That I could just understand the meaning of the word you see,
'Cause I've been scrawling it forever,
But it never makes sense to me at all.

And I would give all this and heaven too,
I would give it all if only for a moment,
That I could just understand the meaning of the word you see,
'Cause I've been scrawling it forever,
But it never makes sense to me at all.

No, words...
Called a language,
It doesn't deserve such treatment,
And all my stumbling phrases,
Never amounted to anything worth this feeling,
All this heaven,
Never could describe such a feeling as I'm having,
Words were never so useful,
So I was screaming out a language that I never knew existed before.

quinta-feira, 12 de janeiro de 2012

One Tree Hill

"People say hell is endless. They say it's our worst nightmare. The face of our darkness. But whatever it is...however it is...I say hell is empty. And all the devils are here"

quarta-feira, 4 de janeiro de 2012

P.J. O’Rourke

“Always read something that will make you look good if you die in the middle of it."

Morri de rir com essa citação!!! hehehe


A gente ultimamente fica usando só o computador para escrever as coisas e tudo mais...será que no futuro as pessoas não vão mais saber escrever? Só vão usar tecnologias para digitar as coisas?

Tinha tempo que eu não escrevia em um papel e tinha esquecido da sensação...é tão bom! As letras das pessoas são bem mais bonitas que as palavras digitadas...tudo bem que se justifica quando a pessoa tem uma letra ilegível, tipo a maioria dos médicos, mas é legal escrever de vez em quando...é rústico e belo...sei lá...estou muito poética hoje! hehehe

Hunter Stockton Thompson

“A man who procrastinates in his choosing will inevitably have his choice made for him by circumstance."

Meu fofuchinho é tão indeciso! Ele podia ser mais decidido...sei que às vezes é difícil, mas ele podia se esforçar mais!